By Lady_Gunslinger9 - 11/08/2015 21:38 - United Kingdom - Durham

Today, I told my boyfriend I was scared to open up to him because I had lost people in the past by doing so. After an hour of him trying to convince me to share my thoughts with him, I finally agreed to tell him some things that were worrying me. He broke up with me a minute later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 281
You deserved it 2 727

Lady_Gunslinger9 tells us more.

Hey guys I'm the OP, just thought I'd make an account and give you all some extra information. I have an anxiety disorder and depression, he knew about both of these and he could tell I wasn't feeling okay so he asked me what was wrong, I tried to convince him it was nothing because I don't feel comfortable opening up to people because of things that have happened in my past. When he eventually convinced me I wasn't going to lose him if I opened up, I took a risk. I told him some things that were worrying me and no it's nothing crazy or weird (although the murder comments did cheer me up a little). The conversation led to talking about our relationship and that's when he ended it. I'm better off without him because anyone who cant deal with me telling them small things that everyone goes through certainly couldn't handle something big if it ever happened. I am sad it ended but I know its probably for the best

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What the hell are you telling these people??!!

People like that are why I have trust issues!


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You don't "somehow" kiss someone else. This is a bad example and you should feel bad.

Moral: Never trust anybody, and keep your mouth shut! I feel your pain, OP. I learned the hard way too (with family though, not boyfriends).

Result of said moral: Doomed to forever be without any meaningful relationships. If you cannot open up even a little bit with someone and communicate then any relationship cannot progress and will likely wither and die.

When things like this happen, I'd prefer being entirely alone than constantly losing relationships because I had too much trust in someone.

I think when people are VERY keen for you to share your secret thoughts it's sometimes because they just want to make you more vulnerable to them. Cynical but it sounds like it happened in this case. Sorry OP, hope you find someone nicer next time.

kewpiesuicide 29

When you find the right person, those walls will fall down on their own and not need to be pried. He wasn't ready to hear anything that you told him because he wasn't the one.

People should accept you for you are...everyone has a skeleton in their closet...

"One time I got high on bath salts and killed a hobo. Then I dismembered and grinded up the corpse and fed it to some stray dogs." "I think we should break up."

He doesn't deserve you if can't like you for who you are

I'm sorry this happened but maybe you need professional help to work on yourself before finding a partner.