By chewsef - 09/08/2016 03:22 - United States - Concord

Today, I thought I'd save some money by doing my own electrical work. When I turned the power back on, it caught fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 849
You deserved it 18 317

chewsef tells us more.

OP here....I'm getting hammered on this one as I expected. Waiting on a electrician as we speak.

Top comments

That's why it takes at least 4 years to become a qualified electrician (at least where I am). No amount of money you could save is worth your life. Hope you were able to put the fire out :)

Mathalamus 24

You should be leaving that to the experts...


Honestly kudos to you for trying but some things, mechanical, electrical haha should ether be researched super thorough or left to someone who has that experience Hope your good tho...

Talis99 26

This is why training, certifications, permits, and even licenses are required. YDI. Good luck on your insurance company covering.

depends on where you live. for my husband who's an electrician he has to apply for a permit for electrical work to be done commercially or residentially. it's illegal where I live to do your own electrical work or not have it up to current code and your inurance won't cover it.

what you do, plug everything in a potato lol?

Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die~

don't **** with things you don't understand.

that's why in some places it's illegal to do your own electrical work.

Agree with all above. People are trained to do that and it is a dumb way to die, and also expensive to clean up even if you don't get hurt.