By Anonymous - 23/02/2012 18:01 - United States

Today, I picked up a warm blanket that just came out of the dryer. Despite wearing pants, the static electricity from the blanket delivered a shock straight to my crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 202
You deserved it 4 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obviously the universe thought your sex life was dead, so it was trying a little CPR/defibrillation. "Shit, we lost him! Charge to 300! CLEAR!!" *ZAP*


The newest innovation in the field of sex change... the electric blanket?

How bad can it be? Static electricity doesn't hurt that much.

Congrats broski you got a lightning rod in your pants

Feedmyaddiction5 14

You may need to invest in dryer sheets lol

PaperCandles 0

Prolly means there's too much hair there ;)