By NoMoreTacoBell - 04/06/2015 16:21 - United States - Herndon

Today, I made out with a boy for the first time. I belched into his mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 359
You deserved it 6 645

NoMoreTacoBell tells us more.

Hahaha I never thought this would get posted! So the long story is, me and this boy have been best friends for a long time, Taco Bell and burping contests are a regular part of our friendship (and many other less-gross things). First of all let's clear up that I DID NOT VOMIT in his mouth. Not that a burp is much better but oh well. We just started dating recently so I was mortified, but our being best friends helped us both laugh it off in the end. Definitely should have called this one TacoBelch.


That happened to me during my very first kiss.

Ouh that sucks. Happened to me,now we just laugh about it when it's brought back up! It'll work out just wait abit (:

If he's any sort of decent bloke he'd just laugh it off.

Hahaha I never thought this would get posted! So the long story is, me and this boy have been best friends for a long time, Taco Bell and burping contests are a regular part of our friendship (and many other less-gross things). First of all let's clear up that I DID NOT VOMIT in his mouth. Not that a burp is much better but oh well. We just started dating recently so I was mortified, but our being best friends helped us both laugh it off in the end. Definitely should have called this one TacoBelch.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Glad that it all worked out OP!

Embarrassing things happen OP, the best you can do is apologize and laugh it off. Maybe offer a back rub (or something even sexier depending on where your relationship is at physically) as compensation. I'm glad it all worked out well for you though, hopefully this experience will just bring you two closer together.

it happens to us all at some point or time whether we're the one burping or on the other side of the burp it'll all be ok

jezka374 15

At least you didn't vomit! I don't think I would be able to make it past that if it were me! Lol!