By soni_miller - 26/01/2016 06:02 - United States - Burke

Today, I learned the hard way what the inside of my toe looks like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 624
You deserved it 1 587

soni_miller tells us more.

Hey guys! I'm OP, I just didn't log in to give the FML. At the end of October, my iPad accidentally fell on my big toe, affecting my nail and the skin around it. It still didn't heal and yesterday it started chipping and peeling off. It actually didn't hurt when it did. But DO NOT EVER DROP YOUR IPAD ON YOUR TOE BECAUSE IT WILL HURT SO BAD.

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Crucial information is being left out.. we need a follow up

Hey guys! I'm OP, I just didn't log in to give the FML. At the end of October, my iPad accidentally fell on my big toe, affecting my nail and the skin around it. It still didn't heal and yesterday it started chipping and peeling off. It actually didn't hurt when it did. But DO NOT EVER DROP YOUR IPAD ON YOUR TOE BECAUSE IT WILL HURT SO BAD.

Is the iPad ok? I mean falls like that usually break the screen, or did your toe protect it?

Oh it's fine. I have no clue how but it is. It's just my toe that ended hurt.

Sounds painful! My dad once dropped a heavy pipe on his toe during his birthday. His toe now looks like a deflated balloon after the doctors picked out the shattered bone fragments. Hope there's no open wound or chance of infection for you!

Not gonna lie this has 100% percent happened to me.(Minis the shedding). It was the original iPad and I dropped on my toenail and I lost that toenail a little while later, not before turning all shades of the rainbow however. At least I know somebody has been through the same pain however.

I dropped my laptop on my toe once (17" too. A whopper). It turned all kinds of colors but I didn't lose the nail. I feel you, OP!

#41 Oh wow, that is so much more worse than what happened to me. I hope he's ok now! What I find strange is that today is my birthday, which according your the post is when this happened to your dad.

I was playing hide and seek once with my cousins when I was younger, and chose to hide behind a door. Someone slammed the door open, and the impact from it flipped my big toe nail completely back. It took over a year for the nail to regrow. Happy toe nail flipping, everyone. Cheers.

AliGInTheHouse 24

I did that with a plate, because I was watching my iPad. I saw underneath my toenail and put it on my Snapchat story.

I feel glad someone else knows the pain I went through for that one. My toe nail turned into so many colors that my friends thought I had a REALLY good nail stylist

I dropped my phone on my big toe 2 weeks ago and it's still blue; an iPad probably hurts more though, get well soon!

Happy Birthday! And get well soon! Toes are so little and unregarded, but when you have a problem with them or they hurt, they affect pretty much! That's when you find out, how often you put your weight on and use them.

Wait, so you dropped an iPad on your toe and this is an FML? I cut myself shaving the other day. Boo hoo.

I know your pain OP, I stubbed my toe on a boulder in a river last year, the nail flipped up and fell off. I had to go to a football camp a couple days later.

Wow OP I feel your pain. Once when I was getting a knife out of a drawer, the front wood part was loose and landed right on my 2nd toe nail.... It turned purple for lien 3 months and the back of the nail was peeling off and it hurt so much.

My dad had a laundry machine push his big toenail INTO HIS TOE while he was moving a washing machine up from the basement. He had to have it in bandages for months changing them daily because his toe kept leaking.

My dad had a laundry machine push his big toenail INTO HIS TOE while he was moving a washing machine up from the basement. He had to have it in bandages for months changing them daily because his toe kept leaking.

is there even a way you to see what your insides look like that isn't hard?

Goblin182 26

I don't know of an easy way to learn this.

I want to know what the hard way was...

OP responded and described what happened.