By Anonymous - 11/06/2017 21:00 - France

Today, I found out that I was a father, that my son is married, that his wife is pregnant, and that he and his wife would like me to take care of their eldest son during the end stages of the pregnancy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 136
You deserved it 518

Top comments

CrazyTrainWreck 19

I wouldn't want to leave my kid with someone who didn't even know he was a father let alone a grandfather till very recently.

They didn't bother to tell you that the son even existed, let alone invite you to the wedding or tell you about the pregancy. And now they want a favor? No. Don't do it. Don't get involved now. They cut you out so thoroughly and now want favors- that ain't family you need.


Have you questioned any of this news at this point, or are you simply taking everyone at their word..? FYL; although, if your answer is 'no, and yes'... then YDI.

Gwengreen 6

What in the....? The mother is a jerk for telling the son who the father is but not the father he has a kid. The son is a jerk for putting on expectations to a clueless stranger. Maybe it is his horrible way for the OP to connect with the grandkid so they can have a relationship that the OP and his son never had? Or every other grandparent doesn't want to help with the baby and he is grasping at straws. What a mess.

melana09 19

I would be getting a DNA test to be positive. I would simply decline their offer because they are complete strangers. If they'd like to get to know you that might be great in the end. - just a suggestion The mom might have kept it a secret from your child as well- but it's a very odd request to ask a stranger to watch their child.

This sounds a bit like a set up. Pretend to be someone's child, ask them to take care of your own child, have something happen to the child or fake it, put the blame on the "grandparent," and sue for emotional damages or recompensation for medical bills. Politely inform them that you would like a DNA test to confirm the relationship, but that you aren't able to care for the child regardless of the outcome of said test. If she backs down, see if there's someone you can report a potential scam to- maybe police, since if it is a scam, it is child endangerment. It honestly feels like child endangerment even if it isn't a scam- drop off a child with someone they've never met, have minimal information on, and could be in a murder cult for all they know.