By ge fu yo twa - 25/06/2018 20:30

Today, after house sitting for my future father-in-law and managing to keep things spotless for 3 weeks, a pipe burst. It flooded the place and shorted out a plug socket, causing a fire that ruined the front room. He gets home in 3 hours. I'm screwed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 212
You deserved it 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is the importance of framing right here. You didn't ruin his house, you saved it from flooding everything and also burning down completely. And you don't expect his gratitude for your work to prevent the even greater damage that would have happened if you weren't there, he's family after all. All in a day's work.

Ask him if he likes how you redecorated the room.


Unless you were responsible for any maintenance, it's not your fault the pipe burst.

why are you screwed? is it your fault a pipe burst?

sarahcroy20 12

Why are you screwed? Not your fault that a pipe burst.