By mumfordandsonimdisappointed - 29/08/2015 05:09 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my dad how I rear-ended the car in front of me because of a particularly intense banjo solo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 611
You deserved it 19 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is that a euphemism for 'excessive masturbation'?

Your dad should understand, because banjos are ******* awesome


momac86 17

Now wait just a banjo pluckin minute ?

Misfitsfitin 23

If it weren't for that Cotton-Eyed Joe

ratman775 27

I'd been married long time ago.

You know you're a redneck when........

Mumford and Sons are worth it man. That's mostly what I play in my car. I guess you could switch to their new album where there is no banjo?

Starlight1029 18

This absolutely made my day xD I'm favoriting this one