By Amathiel - 29/12/2012 15:23 - Norway - Flor?

Today, I had a proper look at myself in the mirror. I have recently lost 5 lbs. Turns out that it mainly shows on my boob. Not boobs. Boob. Right one only. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 170
You deserved it 3 188

Amathiel tells us more.

Additional info from OP here: Yes, I have a BF who has commented on it, but with humor. He's nicknamed them Bert and Ernie because of the size difference now. Yes, I know it's a common thing, but it still isn't cool to walk around with half a boob on one side ;)

Top comments

Don't worry, most girls (including myself) have one boob that's bigger than the other. It's surprisingly common.

saIty 17

You're a boob. Just titting you're my breast friend.


My left boob was a lot smaller than my right. Eventually it'll balance out or you'll get used to it.

nycwrestler 17

She should go for the extra padding in one cup in the meantime

Think positive...less chance for back problem!

Get those "chicken cutlet" breast inserts and only use one.

You must find the chosen one. Someone who will eventually bring balance to your boobs.

This comment works very well with your picture lol.

When you lose weight, your body takes fat away from random places like your fingers and face before it takes it away from other places, like your stomach.

The answer is obvious, workout the other half of your body until you drop another 5 lbs and pray the other boob evens out

CharresBarkrey 15

I know you're being sarcastic but the flaw is still bothering me. You can't target weight loss to one part of the body.

sure you can. Build lean muscle mass by doing more reps with lower weight. you will burn fat and in the process build muscle which also burns fat.

But it still doesn't burn fat from a particular area. It might, but not cos you are exercising that area

CharresBarkrey 15

Building muscle burns fat all over, not just that particular area. There is no way to exercise to burn fat in just one specific spot.

Actually if you increase muscle mass in a specific area or muscle group that region will burn fat faster and cause a targeted fat loss ;) just like working to lose your spare tire or targeting your butt or flabby arms

I'm sure you're just being a little self conscious, and making a mountain into a mole hill.

You mean making a mountain out of a mole hill.

CharresBarkrey 15

*facepalm* I understood it, 28.

lol, actually... if her boob is smaller, maybe she did make a mountain into a mole hill. ;P

Lay on your left side. It will grow over time.

On the positive side, you'd make a great NASCAR driver.

My right breast is a bit bigger than my left (not crazy noticeable, but it used to be when I was a teen, one side was C cup, one B - I bought a push-up bra with removable inserts and took the one out the right side). When I gain weight it ends up mostly in two places: my breasts and my butt. I gained weight (almost 40lbs) from having to be on steroids for Lupus, and went from a D cup to an F cup. And you try finding anything cute in an F cup that doesn't come from an expensive specialty store. >.> It's pretty much all granny bras from Walmart or Sears. I've managed to avoid this by wearing tank tops with built-in bras, since they're slightly too small they have a minimizing effect and I can wear them under a t-shirt when I go out in public (I'm disabled and it's winter - don't get out much). Losing more weight might even it out, you can wear padding in your bra if if bothers you, and most men are too busy being all "OMG BOOBS" to really notice any size difference if it comes to taking your bra off. Men also tend to favour one side over the other. My partner likes my left breast better than my right, even though it's the slightly smaller and he sleeps on the right side of the bed, therefore access to the right one would be easier. If any guy is enough of an asshole to comment on it in bed, point out that one of his testicles is bigger than the other, because scientifically, that's usually also true.