By Anonymous - 29/09/2018 22:00 - Denmark

Today, I had a one night stand. While lying next to him afterwards, he nervously said, "Listen, I, uh... I bought this when I was drunk." I wasn't really sure what he referred to until I realized: the bed sheets. The Twilight bed sheets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 434
You deserved it 812

Top comments

Jason Thomas McConnell 11

sex is sex. Doesn't really matter whats the pattern on the sheets your doing the deed on.

What's his excuse for still having them? And I really hope he wrapped up, because no one wants to find out they were conceived in a bed covered with Twilight sheets.


What's his excuse for still having them? And I really hope he wrapped up, because no one wants to find out they were conceived in a bed covered with Twilight sheets.

Jason Thomas McConnell 11

sex is sex. Doesn't really matter whats the pattern on the sheets your doing the deed on.

At least it wasn't My Little Pony or Anime.

I have Twister bed sheets...... poo poo happens

ohsnapword 21

So, was he Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Okay, that's totally funny and maybe a bit cringeworthy.

Makes me wonder what's more cringe worthy - that he bought those sheets while drunk, or actually used them while sober xD Anyway, when you already spent money on this crap, you may just as well use them xD LOL.

Moot point. People in Denmark are always drunk :)

Justin Allan Bannister 9

if it was body pics of Jacob.... you might want to leave the city/town