By Drover7 - 07/04/2016 23:26 - Australia - Padstow

Today, my family is flying to Hawaii for a longed-for holiday. Well, my husband and children are; I'm in a hospital bed awaiting surgery on kidney stones that I never knew I had. Hopefully they'll send me a postcard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 931
You deserved it 1 209

Drover7 tells us more.

I am the OP and wish to thank everyone for their well wishes and kindness. Bit of an update: I have an infection in both kidneys so they can't yet remove the big 7mm stone that is stuck half way. Surgeons put in a stent and my pain filled hazy brain decided I just wanted to be with family so I stupidly boarded a plane to Hawaii! Now I am writhing about in a hotel bed (with a beautiful view of Waikiki and Diamond Head) and still ruining my family's holiday. I didn't realise how serious my condition was when I assured my husband that if he got on the plane I would follow a day later so it's all my fault. I've made a shitty situation even worse. FML

Top comments

I'm sorry OP. Hope the surgery goes good and your family doesn't rub in missing the vacation.

Hopefully 1. You had travel insurance and 2. Your travel insurance covers it. (Aka some travel insurances have a policy when you unable to fly because of a temporary medical condition) if both of those do apply you should go on a girls trip to Hawaii


I'm sorry OP. Hope the surgery goes good and your family doesn't rub in missing the vacation.

Maybe when you get better you guys can go on another vacation and you can pick the spot and make up for missing this one.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

I agree. My dad had a heart attack on my birthday and had to be rushed to the hospital, cutting our plans short. When he was healthy again we went camping (which is what we originally planned on doing). Maybe you guys can work out a trip that you can actually go on.

Hopefully 1. You had travel insurance and 2. Your travel insurance covers it. (Aka some travel insurances have a policy when you unable to fly because of a temporary medical condition) if both of those do apply you should go on a girls trip to Hawaii

Sorry to hear Op. Get together some of your closest friends and go on holiday when you are feeling better. Get well soon (:

xnienkelemmen 2

get well soon hopefully you can join them on the holiday next time!

You know what they say? Change is as good as a holiday. Must be nice to stay in the hospital for a change

Yeah..because OP would rather have kidney stones than a trip to Hawaii

Castration is a change. Trust me, not all change is good. I spent a week in the hospital over Christmas for dengue and I faked being well so I could leave. I'm sure she doesn't consider this as anything close a Hawaiian vacation.

I'm guessing it couldn't be cancelled so its not your fault OP, just arrange your own little holiday with some friends when you're well! :)

T_Seg_101 18

I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you get better soon then you can maybe skype them?:)

Who would vote YDI on something like this?

The designers of the app did. The put YDI and FYL next to each other and made it impossible to change your vote. People routinely hit the wrong one by accident.

FYL, Op. Hope you make a swift recovery and your family brings you something nice from Hawaii. Hopefully they'll spoil and pamper you on their return. It's not Hawaii, but they could at least give you a break from having to do grown-up things.