By AlexB - 19/08/2016 07:01 - United Kingdom - Blackpool

Today, in an effort to try and get fit, I was doing yoga on my carpet when my foot slipped. It went under my radiator, which peeled the skin off my heel like peeling a potato. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 387
You deserved it 1 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awww I'm so sorry OP. I hope your wounds heal soon, and you can get in shape :)


Awww I'm so sorry OP. I hope your wounds heal soon, and you can get in shape :)

Think about it, the more skin you lose, the less heavy you become. So you're losing weight in the most painful way possible.

I don't think losing skin is healthy and the best way for OP to get in shape

Never thought I'd have a reason to Google "how much does skin weigh"... but here we are.

Idk why people are disliking this comment, it's obviously a joke to make light of the situation

I'm sorry for that painful experience OP, though I'm sure it will heal soon. Good luck with your peeled potato heel.

Hey ur trying to get fit and that's what matters! Don't give uo

That sounds traumatic. I need eye bleach now. Hope you're okay OP.

Why would you need eye bleach for a sound?

The image of excessive amounts of peeled skin

Maybe the Internet isn't the place for you.

it wouldn't have been made an fml if there were less detail.

chrisbeaudoin 26

Today, I was doing yoga when my foot hit the radiator and the skin peeled. FML. Doesn't sound as bad or entertaining, eh?

aredvulpix 23

I will never get that out of my head. Good luck, OP

kusje 30

Maybe just running outside is safer than doing yoga in the hostile environment that is your home. Might also work a bit better in favour of getting fit.