By Anonymous - 19/07/2012 04:55 - United States - San Diego

Today, I had a few friends over. Wanting to seem cool, I yelled at my girlfriend to get me a beer. She chucked four bottles at my head. All my friends cheered her on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 851
You deserved it 80 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gianthelper 1

I'm pretty sure almost everyone here is going to cheer her on aswell. Way to be a dick.


emstar828 4

Hey, you asked for beer, you got beer! Nothing cool in demanding subservience from your "partner". I can only assume she realises that you don't normally act like that because she could quite easily have just walked out. I hate the word but in this case it's the only one that's appropriate: everyone needs that little bit of respect.

babybabybabynoo 0

I'd cheer her on too ,YDI for being a douche maybe next time instead of trying to be "cool" you be a decent bf!

Haha she was probably just getting excited for the olympics, her favorite sport is softball.

condango 0

That's just terrible. All that good beer spilt. Tragic

I'll just go ahead and assume all the FYLs you receive are because people accidentally clicked that instead. YDI on all levels.

Well there's currently less than 4% FYLs and I'm sure more than that proportion don't actually read them before clicking. That's well within the noise I would think.

I clicked FYL because a ridiculous out of character asshole comment does not warrant having four beer bottles thrown at your head. If you think that's appropriate then good for you, I hope I never meet you because apparently you think domestic violence is ok.

By OP's logic, sounds like he should've been the one to get his own beer 'cause he a BIIIIIIIIIIIITCH

Yeah, you definitely sound cool. To douchebags maybe.