By jellenwood - 07/11/2015 13:12 - United States - Kerrville

Today, I got married. The minister pronounced us husband and wife using our first names. Except he used my husband's ex-wife's name. I happened to glance at my mother-in-law who was almost in tears from laughing so hard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 713
You deserved it 1 715

jellenwood tells us more.

jellenwood 35

OP here! So, this was several years ago. Apparently his family didn't want want him to marry me and never wanted him to divorce his first wife. His father is the one who performed the wedding. He called me the wrong name several times during the ceremony. I don't know if he did it on purpose or not. Friends later tell me it wasn't just his mother that was laughing but many members of his family but I just couldn't hear them. H

Top comments

Kalila16 21

That's really messed up, OP. Some terrible in-laws you have. I hope things are better now.

That mother in law needs some one to tell her that, thats ain't funny. But it is actually hurtful


What a total bitch I would tell your husband how hurt you are by it and get them all to sit down and talk because all of you will need to get along unfortunately unless he stops talking to his family until they realize they were wrong and apologize for it

I would calmly tell your husband that you want to have a second, small civil ceremony, so that you are really married properly, and then celebrate that date as your aniversary.

Wow, that is one fantastic burn. Damn.

That was bad. But let us all not lose sight of the bigger thing - Wish you a very happy married life. Let this new journey be very rewarding for you and your husband.

If he didn't correct himself then you are not officially married, his ex is double married to him. Repeat the ceremony. With different minister who doesn't take sides. It such a mess.

Marriage doesn't actually work that way. It's the marriage license that you sign which legally binds you as married. the ceremony is for show

I have yet to meet or hear about a nice mother in law. Sorry OP

Of course his father did it on purpose. He probably hatched up the plan with the mother. If you can get married again in a private ceremony with just your man and a few close family members. And celebrate that as your wedding day. Not the spiteful stuff up you endured.

mariri9206 32

Is your name Emily and his Ex's Rachel?

With it being his father it seems like it was to be a joke on you...hope all else went well...