By Giulii - 02/09/2010 05:54 - United States

Today, I got grounded because I have a picture on facebook in which I'm touching the crotch of a cardboard cut-out of Obama. My parents insist the FBI will see that and I'll end up in jail. My parents are crazy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 057
You deserved it 16 468

Giulii tells us more.

I'm the OP. I have a teacher that definitely HATES Obama because she's more than sure that he's a muslim (ignorant, much?) and that's why me and my friends took the picture in the first place. Btw I'm sixteen and a girl, I know it was something dumb to do, but still my parents had no right to ground me based on how I 'misuse Facebook' .-.

Top comments

Cardboard Obama approves and enjoys people touching his cardboardy crotch. Tell your parents that you were contacted by the FBI and they told you to keep up the good work.

Alesana_Love 0

YDI for even wanting to touch Obama down there.


rofflewaffle 9

That's just a strange thing to do, anyway.

I don't normally say this, but, HOLY UNICORN! You're seriously beatiful.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

28, feeling a bit nasty, are we? What was the point in your comment? The person above you was just being kind. Don't strike them down for it because of your own self esteem issues.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Their spelling is incorrect, as is your punctuation. So, you're being a tad hypocritical.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

I get your point but, there's no need to be so rude about it.

FFML_314 11

This site is full of rude people. I would get used to it. The "picture" comments get old. They are also against the rules. Tsk tsk.

My could easily be incorrect, seeing as I'm norwegian... However, I like unicorns.

And what about that unicorn hating? They're extincted, they can't defend themselves.

Alesana_Love 0

YDI for even wanting to touch Obama down there.

Cardboard Obama approves and enjoys people touching his cardboardy crotch. Tell your parents that you were contacted by the FBI and they told you to keep up the good work.

me & Obama are fb friends & he thinks it's hilarious! =)

my bubbles invisible but if you find it you can have it =)

I can't help it. tell him I'm sorry. I'm a major twinky klepto. the only thing I steal.

I feel for you OP. Just being in the same photo as Obama would embarass the hell out of me (cardboard cutout or not). That is one twisted little man. I hope we don't have two suffer through two terms with that evil, corrupt bastard.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

I'm going to guess you are a fan of Glenn Beck.

Little known fact: the real Glenn Beck actually has a cardboard crotch. Something to do with a racketball injury. I forget the details

TaylorTotsYumm 10

38, name one thing that Obama has done to make him deserve the title of "evil, corrupt bastard." I don't recall him doing anything as such. If you can point out one valid reason as to why Obama is so horrible, you won't sound as ignorant, as you do now.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

I don't see any major similarities between Obama and Bush. Elaborate?

FFML_314 11

"Fool me once, shame on you" "Fool me twice, well uhhh uhh well you aint gonna fool me again!" Classic George W. Bush.

SmileyG7 0

Obama isn't evil. You just don't agree with the choices he make. He's doing what he think is best. You can't do anything about it so u call him evil. He has power to make choices for what he think is better for the country and u don't. If u don't like u run next term. Man ur worse than Buzz Killington!!

KarinaLizeth18 5

"geepers mister you're really strong" movie Hercules hahaha had to say it srry >.<

Your parents are crazy. If anything, it's the Secret Service you have to worry about.