By Tay Tay - 19/11/2010 13:55

Today, I got dumped after about a four year relationship. Feeling lonely and depressed, I posted on facebook, "is hurt, someone please text or call me." Then one of my cousins commented, "no one text him." His comment got 17 "likes." No one got in contact with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 426
You deserved it 9 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're allowed to call people personally to ask for support. if you post it that publicly on fb, you're just being whiny.


Griggy 0

Maybe you do this too often and they think you're just looking for attention.

Lenoraa 0

I so would have texted you. I'm so sorry

You have a a phone right?? Then YOU call someone, idiot.... god, as technology advances, you guys get dumber

lol, you're just a tiny, frail, little girl aren't you? Grow some ******* balls already.

I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm sorry that everyone's being a douche about it. if I knew you, I would totally have talked to you when you needed it.

well thts what you get for being an attention starved bitch. man up.

1. Sorry for being dumped 2. Don't post desperate messages on facebook. I hate people who need to tell the world how depressed they are. Why not take the phone and call a friend (assuming you have one or two)???