By anonymous - 19/03/2011 10:32 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that when I orgasm, my increased heart rate causes me to pass out. I also found out my boyfriend doesn't stop when I'm unconscious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 267
You deserved it 8 521

Same thing different taste

Top comments

krystal2424 0

hahaha how selfish of you! you get to ****** but he doesn't? pshh

monnanon 13

Maybe he thought you were resting :S or only continued until he noticed something was up. Its not like its a normal thing. Hopefully he did stop and check you were ok. I would get your heart checked though, your heart racing that fast seriously cant be good.


lilxsexii 4

At least you had an ******. :))

except she was unconscious and couldn't feel anything.

TayonaC 10

she wasn't unconscious she felt it because she said her heart rate raised THEN passed out. so she orgasmed then passed out. read next time

milou_fml 6

maybe there isn't a noticeable difference?

Eww...thats so gross. To not care when you pass out and then to keep having sex with you. I would dump his ass right away. As for your heart rate, you might need to go to the doctor about that.

Agreed. thats just plain creepy to be doing that.

olivia_r 0

If he is capable of giving orgasms, I'd say keep him around. Just get your little problem checked out and tell your boyfriend he is being a creep and too knock it off. Problem solved.

You are 14, I'd refrain from making comments on the matter.

14 or not, she's entitled to her opinion.

pinkcd3 0 these days,tell him to kiss u when u faint

Haha it's your boyfriend not a one night stand. He should get off too.

perdix 29

Get in shape, fattie! The experience for him probably gets better when you pass out, because he doesn't have to put up with your inane prattle and overexaggerated pleasure sounds.

you don't have to be fat to have heart problems.

kingjames2306 0

you must be a really sad person in your life cause you never have anything good to say to anyone bout anything you need to fall off the face of the earth

kingjames2306 0

rude boyfrenn... I'd dump him. that's just weird in my opinion...

shut up you're too young to know what sex is

shudup n leav her alone she intutled to an opinion:-) ..dont mind him:-)

No, she's not too young to know what sex is. She's like 13 or 14. I knew what sex was when I was 10.

lol who didn't. it's the experience of sex, it's much different then knowing or hearing about sex. if you are ******* at 14 or 15, I'd say it's a bit young. but that's how it is with the new generations apparently. children ******* children, ******* A.

That's true, I'm sure it is much different when you are actually experiencing it then knowing about it. And I agree, people these days :/

sweetiffany 0

well, you didn't tell him to stop. maybe now that you know, you can set ground rules before you show him your "o" face.

Zeb_McBride 0

is that picture real? I have a glass eye 0-)

cheeksMcgeeks 3

Maybe she didn't tell him to stop because she was unconscious...but that's just my guess.

sweetiffany 0

Not real. it's the zombie version of me. Although I can see how it makes me look like a burn victim with one eye and bad teeth.

TayonaC 10

holy crap my freaking heart skipped a beat when I saw your picture o_O that's cool though but why do you have 3 glass eyes?

Zeb_McBride 0

two old ones and the one I wear now. they do wear out ya know

TayonaC 10

well I've never had one so no actually I didn't know that :/ I'd love scarring people with that though :p

Nastysack69 0

hey at least he didn't go in your poo hole.. bet you woulda woke up den lol.