By Lady - 04/11/2018 14:00

Today, I found out that my mother has been telling everyone that my fiancé and I are having a "shotgun wedding" because we plan to get married quickly. She didn't realize that means that the bride is pregnant, which I'm not. I have no idea what to do with the baby gifts I'm receiving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 457
You deserved it 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep them if you decide to have a baby. Just tell people first.


Keep them if you decide to have a baby. Just tell people first.

Oh, so that's what a shotgun wedding actually means.

Actual “shotgun weddings” refer to the guy being forced to marry the girl via her dad’s shotgun because she’s pregnant. They also happen quickly in order to try to hide the illegitimacy of the baby. So people can apply shotgun wedding to several things - forced marriage, quick marriage, or pregnant bride.

Thanks for the explanation, I always thought it was an angry father holding a shotgun to the boyfriend. Glad to know that it can mean a forced wedding--not just one due to a pregnant girlfriend.

It’s pretty much never used for just a forced wedding. It means you had to get married because the bride got pregnant and her dad is making you. Thankfully these days it’s usually a joke.

onceuponatime456 16

Return them explaining that your mother is an idiot!

Thank people and explain the truth. Maybe save them for when there IS a baby? Good luck.

Get pregnant and have the baby the gifts were intended for.

Maybe this was the mother's plan all along...

Mwah-hah-hah!!! An anagram of mother-in-law is “woman Hitler,” coincidence?

Explain to people and if they are alright with you keeping the stuff, save it for the future, or donate them.

Deez_Knots 10
TheBlueBee 9

sell them and I am sure you could buy something more useful