This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By GregSaidMed - 25/01/2022 07:18

Today, I found out that just because you turn off the iPhone you stole doesn’t mean the owner won’t track it down. Apparently with the new iOS feature Find My iPhone is enabled even with the phone switched off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32
You deserved it 691

Top comments

Hopefully they came with the police, you thieving ****.

You literally just admitted to committing the crime of theft. On the Internet. Someone ought to show this to Jay Leno. You know how much he loves stupid criminals.


Hopefully they came with the police, you thieving ****.

You literally just admitted to committing the crime of theft. On the Internet. Someone ought to show this to Jay Leno. You know how much he loves stupid criminals.

randybryant799 20

Are you seriously expecting anyone to feel bad for you?

repKyle95 24

Good. I hope they beat your ass so hard you can't sit down.

Nice complain :) Life becomes too unfriendly for thieves, isn't it?