By Anonymous - 10/01/2016 02:17 - United States - Akron

Today, I found out that I'm going to be a father. Too bad I can't tell my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 795
You deserved it 79 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel absolutely no sympathy for you. I hope she finds out and leaves your cheating ass.


thatonetribute 31

Do you REALLY expect our sympathy? How cute. You deserve it, man. I hope your wife leaves you, and gets someone she deserves.

How could you possibly think you don't deserve this?

We need a follow up. If you did cheat then you need to man up and confess.

Elisabetha Aarron 18

What other explaintion is there to him fathering a child with another woman besides cheating and not being able to tell his wife

if it's hard to be faithful then no need to get married, simple as that

Too bad that concept is so difficult for so many people.

I'm so mad at myself for clicking YLS by mistake.

Are you expecting to get any kind of sympathy here?

Your a sick piece of shit its people like you that are the reason we don't live in a perfect world

leogachi 15

@50 Cheaters suck, but can we just stop pretending that they're as bad as rapists and murderers?

jarshablarg really just him or people like you?!?! wow very judgemental. not only is it people like him, but people like you who don't forgive and forget even when it does not involve your life??? have you thought your words could hurt him to the point of suicide?? maybe he was drunk, drugged, or in a bad place, but for you to call him a piece of shit. that's just cruel and not friendly or peacemaker like

leogachi 15

@188 Don't preach "forgive and forget" if you aren't going to practice it.

You're ******* disgusting. How hard is it to NOT put your dick in something? If you were unhappy with your marriage , why not use this thing called "communication" with your wife so that you can work on the issue at hand or start divorce proceedings? If you couldn't keep it in your pants, you shouldn't have married her or even been in a committed relationship at all. You don't deserve sympathy, you deserve an ass kicking. I hope both of them leave your despicable ass and everyone finds out about how much of a scummy loser you are.

You just spoke the words of God. Amen, my friend. If I could meet this guy in person I'd deck him in the face, what a pathetic, miserable asshole.