By Anonymous - 09/08/2015 03:53 - United States

Today, I found out my babysitter has been selling the breastmilk I produce for my baby and replacing it with formula, while still taking my money every week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 796
You deserved it 2 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nonsensical 26

Report her! Not only is she stealing but she's not giving the baby what its own mother thought it was receiving!!! Oh this is outrageous!

The next thing you know, the baby will be replaced with a doll and Junior will be "adopted" to Timbuktu


Is anyone thinking about the baby? That's false advertising. In 18 years you may have a lawsuit on your hands.

If the babysitter is hot, tell her you know a guy!

Honestly it's not that big of a deal formula is still great for babies she isn't depriving the kid of anything. I say fire her and be done with it.

Not that big a deal, 86? How on earth is this not that big a deal? Without anything further, the bare fact that the babysitter is STEALING is big enough that the babysitter should be ARRESTED and prosecuted. So what if formula has similar nutrients to breast milk? Breast milk can still be healthier and there could be so many complications from the random switch to formula. Essentially the babysitter was still stealing not only from the parents, but the child in question. Then add the fact that there is money being made on the side which is now owed to the parents because of this theft. I am utterly appalled that this has been going on. These parents won't trust another babysitter because they've been betrayed by a caregiver of sorts. This is a very big deal, 86, huge.

SauceySarah 30

I cant quit for OP to post a response, I wanna know how she found out

I hope you reported her and fired her!

You'd notice a switch pretty quickly imo. Baby's poop would change colour, consistency. For some babies, switching from breast to formula actually causes them to become constipated.

call the cops, sue her, something. if I found out about that I'd try to get her jailed.

I hope you fired her ass AND pressed charges.

I would be LIVID. So sorry, OP. I hope you're still able to nurse/pump smoothly despite the introduction to formula (I know it can affect baby's willingness to nurse sometimes).