By MissCommunicate - 05/02/2011 15:36 - Australia

Today, I found out about my parent's divorce over Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 273
You deserved it 3 040

MissCommunicate tells us more.

I am only seventeen, and that's how I found out. My parents were then quick to give me the "talk".

Top comments

I would have thought they would have had the decency to take you to one side and break the news.


Why do people still think having your close relatives on facebook is a good idea?

honning12 2

Why do I need to shut up? Because I'm right?

no because nobody uses myspace anymore

lexi365 20

I'm pretty sure teenagers take up 60% of the population of facebook.

themonster56 0

jeez.... -.-" what is the world coming to? the shameeee.

Facebook was created for college students. Anyone remember the days you had to have a college email account to get one?

honning12 2

see, that's how old I am. had no idea.

Kelita 0

honning needs to shutup cause u ain't funny n no us "kids" will stick to Facebook n y'all old folk can do Wut Doc said n stick to "wrinkly Facebook"