By brentkd - 20/07/2010 16:34 - United States

Today, I found my lost iPhone earbuds. In the cat litter box. I am 100% sure that they passed through my cat to get there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 653
You deserved it 4 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

That's shitty. Hey, at least Apple makes some solid headphones!

"hey, i can hear the ocean in my earbuds! no. wait. that's just my cat's digestive system."


dickbombay 0

put them on eBay . there is a buyer for every item):

c_kaspar21 0

What were you doing in the catbox to find them?

You can't possibly be serious about this question.

lalalaloveit 0

YDI, if you have a cat, you should know to put earbuds away because ate enjoy eating them. I'm just glad your cat's okay.

zinc55 0

the people wondering why he was in the cat box should know that every now and then the kitty litter has to be replaced

skullcandys are shit and waste of money.

needsagf14 12

that's actually pretty funny

fyp . f ur :) im not perverted chick but i couldnt resist

me12243 0

Your cat would have choked on it. or the headphones would be completely ruined from stomache acids, or your cat would have hanging out of his ass. highly doubt he'd make it to the third one.