By trigfail - 25/09/2010 08:57 - New Zealand

Today, I failed my trigonometry exam because my scientific calculator was on the wrong setting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 593
You deserved it 46 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You had it set to "radian" when you wanted "degree" am I right?

tatiee_fml 0

Hahaha. And you didn't notice this at all...Shame on you, not the calculator.


3ddie_the_head 0

Yes... Blame it on the calculator.

foxy1222 0

you wouldn't need a caculator if you used your brain or at least if you use a caculator check it first OP

hit4prez 0

happens to the best of us haha

Clearly you didn't see the sines that your answers were wrong.

I did this before last year when I had a trig test, but the teacher let me retake the test. Yeah it was a bonehead move but it is possible if you're kind of spacey like me or the OP.

why do you need a calculator for the first chapter in trig?

part of the test is setting the calculator in the correct mode I hope you do better next time

maybe your dumb ass should learn the difference between radians and degrees

YDI for not double checking before an exam.