By trigfail - 25/09/2010 08:57 - New Zealand

Today, I failed my trigonometry exam because my scientific calculator was on the wrong setting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 593
You deserved it 46 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You had it set to "radian" when you wanted "degree" am I right?

tatiee_fml 0

Hahaha. And you didn't notice this at all...Shame on you, not the calculator.


A trig. test??? have u ever sucked dyck for crack?!?!? GTFOH!!

radians or degrees?? wow that has happened to me but i realize it b4 i turn in the test

BallinJ 0

so you didnt think to check it before an exam? ydi.

I'm pretty sure that's part of the test. They teach you right in Trig class how to configure your calculator and what setting it should be on. You didn't fail the test because your calculator was on the wrong setting, you failed because you weren't listening in that crucial class. Otherwise you would have known.

eugene465 1

it's trig and you're using a scientific calculator? what're you in year 9? who cares

You must be in radians to ride this ride. XD YDI, OP. Degrees vs. should always check the mode before you start your work.

thats so funny, but still really shitty! thank god my teacher always reminds us about our settings before the test :)

didn't your teacher tell u to switch it wow your a fag