By thejbarrick50 - 21/05/2012 02:29 - United States - Bergen

Today, I decided to save a few bucks and let my mother cut my hair. I then had to wait in the hospital for attention due to the fact that she cut the tip of my ear off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 128
You deserved it 4 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it was cheaper than plastic surgery. No, but seriously, this is why you usually let professionals cut your hair:) Usually a better job, but more expensive. But at least you get the medical attention needed, so you will be fine. Fyl though But the hospital bill is probably a little expensive. I know nothing of the American health system

Thank you for the honest reply 18:) Sometimes I hate not explaining enough and be misunderstood so. And it's a nice way to excercice my English skills. So I mostly win on those comments.


mydocs 2

Would have made a great mother's day story. That's why they don't let moms do much on Mother's day I guess.

As a budding cosmetologist, I'm going to have to go with ydi on this one. I know it seems like cutting hair should be super simple if you just need a trim, but there's more to it than just a pair of scissors and snipping away at the dead ends. We use expensive ass scissors for a reason (I'm talking like $400 for a cheaper professional grade sheer), we also have about two years of schooling for a reason, one of them being so we don't cut ears off. Even I was surprised when I saw what exactly my classes will entail, everyone expects beauty school to be an easy way out, but it's really not.

33, sorry to ask, but what happens after 2 years of schooling? Do you have your degree then? Or do you need additional years? And the fun thing is that barbers used to do some surgery as a part of their trade or something :) But here in Norway, you need 2 years of school, and 2 years at least of apprenticeship before you get your degree, unless you're talented ofc

raraisbang 12

In the states we require anywhere from 1000-2000 hours of cosmetology school and then we take a state board test and are licensed. And the thing about the 400 dollar shears is bullshit. You can actually find professional grade shears for anywhere between 150-250, depending on the style of shears you prefer to cut with.

That same thing happened to me when I was 8. I now have a flat spot on the top of my right ear...

If you want to save a few bucks than just learn on how to cut ur own hair. Well that's wat I do at least. N sorry about wat ur mom did. How could she even cut ur ear? Is she blind?

His mum needs a clip round the ear.

K_kanaka 26

I used to complain about the rice bowl hair cuts my mom used to give me. Now I don't feel so bad about them anymore.