By crippy - 26/06/2012 05:01 - United States

Today, I came home from a knee surgery. I asked my mother to get me a glass of water. She replied, "You can get it, you're not crippled. Oh wait, yeah you are" and laughed hysterically. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 990
You deserved it 3 065

Same thing different taste


I know how it feels. I just had knee surgery and my parents keep telling me to go off the painkillers and to "walk it off." I'm restricted from putting weight on my leg for a long time.

At least your mom has a sense of humor. I hope she was just giving you a hard time, OP.

lilysmiles143 0

soo she got u the water? or not?

abouttosleep 5

If my mom did that to me after my surgery I'd laugh with her and go get water myself. Then break a glass ( or two or three ) of water while trying to reach one :). Oh and keep the laughing part through the situation

Stand tall and ignore her jokes. She doesn't have a leg to stand on... Or was that the other way around?

emagurl 6

Haha my family would do the exact same thing. :D

I agree with 42. It's a joke. Don't be a buzz kill.

Hurr hurr, not laughing at one joke equals buzzkill. Excellent logic.

Lmao my mom would've said the same thing to me! Lol