By TriangularBanana - 10/12/2016 22:50 - United States - Houston

Today, I babysat my little cousin. He thought that a glue stick would have the same effect as chapstick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 789
You deserved it 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have told him to kiss the wall. Enjoy the peace and quiet and five minutes before his parents get home, pry him off with a putty knife.


Let's play the overused annoying pun game! I'll go first... That sounds like a sticky situation.

That's… that's not a pun, #3. Try not being a colossal idiot, eh?

I love sitting on babies! Especially ex cousins.

Now that's a real shitty situation. Or as one might call it, a catastrophe.

Divorce your cousin! You dodged a bullet, OP!

You should have told him to kiss the wall. Enjoy the peace and quiet and five minutes before his parents get home, pry him off with a putty knife.

Wait this really affects the fml Did he try it on you or himself?

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Sounds like this is your cousin's FML. And you have a good humbling story for him when he gets older.

Goblin182 26

The effect as much better than chap stick.

mariri9206 32

Try dipping a q-tip in hot water and soap. Should work to remove the glue in a relatively unharmful way.

Glue stick glue isn't very glue-y. Did it actually create a problem? Even white school glue wouldn't be strong enough to keep lips from easily separating, I'd think.