By FMarinasL - 30/06/2011 23:43 - United States

Today, I asked my mother to pay back the $50 she owes me. Rather than paying me back, she raced off to "work". She's been unemployed for 3 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 042
You deserved it 4 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adropofpeace 8

If you knew she didn't have a job, why did you expect her to pay you back?

YDI for lending money to someone who is clearly unable to pay you back :/


Yo man, she fed u ur whole life, its stupid 2 ask for as little as $50 back

bloodshedblack 5

don't be such a bitch. it's only 50 bucks and she needs it more than you.

Bloody hell you lot are judgmental! 1. OP didnt ask to be born. His mom made that desicion all by herself and therefore OP owes her nothing for any care provided throughout his/her life. Ditto any 'damage' caused from childbirth (dumbass commenter!) 2. Do we know why OP needed the money back? It could have been for anything from lunch money to travel expenses or a bill that needed paying. Knowing that his/her mother is unemployed I seriously doubt they would ask unless they had too. 3. FYL OP as your mom is obviously a waste of space. Instead of being an adult and just saying she couldnt give it to you right now she ran away. If you're a kid I feel doubly sorry for you as she is NOT teaching you a good lesson in repaying money. Anyway, STFU to 99.99% of previous commenters. I'm sure you'd all be bitchin' if someone owed you money.

blacksswan 10

My parents give us money and never ask for it back. Me and my siblings give each other money and we never ask for it to be payed back. Through my call grant I got $976 (left over money) guess what I did with it? Gave it to my dad. He has done everything for us so why not give him the money. I'd probably spend it on worthless crap anyways. I guess it's different in everyone's family.

She dpea have a job, Making food in the kitchen.

if she is unemployed, where is she gong ???

JokeMeister 0

moms don't owe their kids. Think of it as a a payment on account.

this one's fake.. i dnt think anyone would LEND their parents money 0.o i'd be giving mine my entire paycheck if they were short on cash

peetasgirl 0

if you knew she was unemployed for 3 years, why the hell did u lend her $50 and expect her to pay you back??

itsgen 16

your asking for money from your unemployed mom? you asshole