By FMarinasL - 30/06/2011 23:43 - United States

Today, I asked my mother to pay back the $50 she owes me. Rather than paying me back, she raced off to "work". She's been unemployed for 3 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 042
You deserved it 4 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adropofpeace 8

If you knew she didn't have a job, why did you expect her to pay you back?

YDI for lending money to someone who is clearly unable to pay you back :/


umm why make her pay you back...she's your mom...and obviously she isn't awful

b00z3nw33d 0

sure make her pay you back the $50 dollars she owes you, and you can pay her the thousands she spent raising you.

just refuse contact of any kind with her she will start to feel bad and give you the money back

did you really expect her to pay you back?

Kudos to those who call me out on being a dick. However, she hasn't raised me since she gave birth. That credit belongs to my father and grandmother.

Meow_Ruff_Bah21 3

Then why did you give her the money in the first place?

To get food to make dinner when I drove my brothers out to see her.

Show your momma some love and give her another $50. You got ripped out of her ****** and its a rough economy so not that easy to find a job.

if she's unemployed she might not be able to pay you get over it

She's your MOTHER! Why would you be peddling her for MONEY?! She can give it to you when she HAS IT. What's she supposed to do? Grow it? Don't be such a heartless jerk.

what is wrong with you? you're mother gave you life and sustained said life. and you expect her to pay you back 50 bucks? if anything you owe her.