By riiiighhhttttt - 05/08/2013 05:38 - United States - Laurel

Today, I actually had to explain to my sister that Shrek was not in fact based on a true story. She replied that I'm a "clueless twat". FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 692
You deserved it 4 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And now you're gonna tell me Santa isnt real too?

rg350dx 29

You might want to consider dental hygiene if you're old enough to live alone and are still losing teeth.


Twist, #11. Op's sister is five so she's ahead of the curve.

Your sister's an ass for acting in such a manner.

codah_johnson 3

The character Shrek was based on a real man.

It actually is. There was a man who had a condition and it made him look like that. Except he didnt hav skin that was as green as shrek

damnit1989 16

Shrek was based on a real person though....his name was Maurice Tillet, he was a pro wrestler in France, and had a disease called acromegaly.

Unfortunately your sister is right. Shrek is based on the story of Maurice Tillet, a guy who was did formed due to a condition called acromegaly. So YDI for not looking into your facts before belittling her :)

the character of shrek was based on a french wrestler or something with a deformity. actually. so, it kind of is. >>

Don't you know anything? Go educate yourself fool.