By bglenney - 15/08/2013 09:47 - United States

Today, for the first time in my life, I simultaneously sneezed, peed and farted. I was giving a presentation at work when this happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 928
You deserved it 4 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ViRepz 28

There has to be a term for that, like there is for sharted?


That's like the holy trinity of embarrassment. Sorry OP :)

MrZsDad 19

I call bullshit. They many bodily functions at the same time would create a rift in space time, or at minimum a black hole. It just can't have happened.

It could have been such an incredible experience, but you had to go and waste it with a presentation.

cookie1207 19

Wow thats amazing! One can usually do two things at the same time but three!!! You might wanna look into a new record! if you shat too that would just be awesome FYL!

Thanks for that, OP. As if I weren't scared enough of public speaking as it is.

I'm really sorry that happened but this post made me laugh so hard I almost did the same thing myself!!!