By LifeSucks - 08/11/2009 04:46 - United States

Today, as I was driving to work, I got a flat tire. While attempting to replace said tire, I got mugged. The guy took all my money, my iPod, cellphone, and CDs. When I finally called my boss to explain my situation, he fired me. Why? Because I was late and had an "overactive imagination." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 025
You deserved it 2 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She said when she 'finally called her boss', meaning when she found a place with a phone or asked someone so she could call. OP, your boss is a jackass for not believing in you. FYL

jchansfan 0

Knowing this site, I'm waiting for the "But women can't change tires! D:" commment... Because, well, you guys are predictable. lmao :P


my iPod got stolen but I am still able to write to fml. I am writting it with my fake iPod cause it fits this fake story. omg get a life.

nightswimming 0

Umm, FML is also a website that you can access through any old computer with internet. You don't need a cell phone with the application to submit something.

@ 24 Why don't YOU consider getting a life- or do the world a favor and don't reproduce?

ThatStinkz 0

overactive imagination! what the hell!

AshleyKSU 0

Ok, the same thing happened to me (sort of). I was mugged and the guy took my cell. You know what I did? USED A DIFFERENT PHONE. God...some of you people are stupid. Why is it so hard to believe that there are other phones out there?

ThatStinkz 0

illy 88 there is such thing as going to the police station and using there phone

perdix 29
aroymart 0

i've lost hope for people on this site, there is no reason she couldn't use another phone, after all, she did get the tire fixed and this sucks, file a police report and threaten to sue

HELLOOOO. Sue for wrongful termination?

In Italy (where I come from) this is exactly how they trick you. They watch you get in the car(not necessarily), pass by your car, and slash your tyre. You drive off, and you notice you've got a flat tyre, so you pull over, and then you are mugged.. People know this, so people drive on for a few km before pulling over and changing the tyre. My uncle lost his car in this way, now we know.

I have to agree with your ex boss, you do have an overactive imagination. The least you could have done was tell him you had a family emergency and leave it at that.

lotusflower007 0

You shouldn't lie about your situation. If that is the truth, then why say it's a family emergency? I hope you filed a police report, so you put a copy on his desk.