By damnedbydurberg - 22/11/2011 00:35 - United States

Today, after years of torment and relentless harassment, I finally built up the courage to stand up to a bully. I got a detention for swearing at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 839
You deserved it 3 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Should have just made him "trip" down some stairs.

man forget that guy. least u can tell people u got detention for telling him S***

Good for you. Seriously. Next time punch him in the nose as hard as u can. Don't stop punching till it is over

The chin, not the nose. Nobody ever got knocked out from being hit in the nose.

joshjosh04 4

Althow if u uppercut them in the nose just write it could kill them so watch out about that

It's worth it. Do the same next time too, it'll show that he can't just bully you, he'll lose interest.

Gibbel 3

I did something similar. Except I got suspended for shouting. "What?" Apparently that is not acceptable when you have a sub.

benhuck97 0

Dude, no body even has school this week.

hateevryone 14

did you tell them about how he bullied you? he needs detention too

PrimeStarscream 30

This is why schools are so fricken inept at handling it. They punish the wrong kid every time. It's disgusting!