By seriously - 24/05/2018 02:30 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, my dad told me that he, my stepmother, my siblings, and my grandmother are going to Egypt for a week. A week ago, he told me they didn't have the time or money to visit me in Romania where I'm an exchange student. I've been here almost a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 093
You deserved it 287

Top comments

Of course they don’t have the time or money for Romania. They’ve spent it on Egypt.


There’s no need to Cairo ver it. Just Bucharest in a Romanian resort for yourself!

She probably misses her real mummy. Stop me before I pun again!

I think we’re in pharaoh interesting laugh!

Of course they don’t have the time or money for Romania. They’ve spent it on Egypt.

If they really are trying to ignore you, then I guess the more freedom and space you get the better ! Concentrate on your studies OP and soon you'll get to travel like them, hopefully all by yourself!

Same shit happened to me. Your just not priority anymore don’t take it personally.

Well, he wasn't lying. The money and time is being spent on Egypt.

Lobby_Bee 17

You're only an exchange student, you'll be back home in no time. Your family knows you'll be back soon enough. Why waste money to visit?

she's been there over a year and it may be a few years before she goes home. she may also just miss her family

Thats why he didn’t have enough money

AutumnGreen123 5

hey everyone lets go to Romania! said no one ever. in history of time