By homersgirl - 30/09/2009 08:28 - United States

Today, after an amazing sex session, my boyfriend rolls over and stares lovingly into my eyes, puts his hand on my cheek caressing it tenderly... and says "Who's a good piggy?" in his best Homer Simpson's voice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 339
You deserved it 5 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatpianoguy612 0

Sex SESSION? What, you pay him for sex, or?


alex_mu 0

was I the only to notice that the OP is dude!

and is there a problem with OP being gay? seriously, grow the **** up! he's not hurting you by being gay!

Hey you slimy assed pig!!! you got a problem with gays well DO YA yeah im gay so what whoo big deal so go and get a life i find this story kinda cute

The submitters name is homersgirl so maybe the sex description is just wrong. Also, for all the haters, where did he say he had anything against homosexuals?

MiniatureMayhem 0

Did he then sing the Spiderpig song?

moonlit_manga 0

it's ok. dont take it the wrong way. my boyfriend does something kinda like that. when I sit on his lap, he lightly pinches my thighs, joking ofcourse. I don't care 'cause I'm 118 pounds.  your bf loves ya! chill.

mrda 0 ydi just for calling it that lol

Ever question if you were hogging all the amazing sex? It only makes sense.

Ummm he was just being cute... Quit being so Emo