By 21yearoldvirgin - 01/05/2009 09:46 - United States
21yearoldvirgin tells us more.
Just to clarify/answer all the questions, I did go with friends, I was on the end of the line of friends. And I was one of the last to show up, people got there 2 hours early. And I do live in CA. Movies are expensive. Like others said though, I don't think it ruined my life, it was just an unlucky occurrence. And yes he did smell lol. And not that it matters, but I'm a girl. And a wimp. ;)
Top comments
Awesome...first comment
awesome....your a loser
Actually...what doesn't make sense is if you arrived an hour early, how did you get a crappy seat? Sounds like it would have been when the movie was still new so the last seat would be near the front. Why would OP sit so close? Tis false the tale the OP does share, the drunken one was never there.
Apparently you have never been to a movie theater. I actually worked when that movie was released, if you didn't come at least an hour and a half to two hours early, you couldn't sit next to a buddy, or get a decent seat, so he was smart for that, its just belligerent drunken assholes that like to ruin stuff. I say story is true.
drunk guys = love did he smell as well?
wow thats dumb, YDI for posting it here
hah. i would of told him to stfu and get out of there.=] and if he didnt i would have told one of the movie people, cause they can kick people out because your supposed to be quiet during movies.
Who arrives an hour early to see a movie these days?
Apparently this guy.
....At least he wasn't violent?
#4 what the ****!? What do you think this site is for? Because of a dumb drunk guy he missed the entire movie, I'd call that a FML (sorta)
Should have gotten that ******** kicked out! I'd crack the ***** hardcore if that happened to me. FYL!
Not like you missed much. SPOILER: Deadpool is Mojo? Whaaaaat? /sorry. Had to.

Who arrives an hour early to see a movie these days?
Should have taken a friend to fill the seat next to you. If you need sympathy find a dictionary it is somewhere between shit and syphilis.