There goes the neighborhood…

By Anonymous - 03/03/2011 18:33 - United States

Today, I noticed my new neighbor had taken the liberty of putting up signs all around their lawn overnight. There are at least a dozen signs detailing the various reasons everyone on the planet is condemned to hell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 392
You deserved it 3 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell them to move to Kansas and join the WBC.


perdix 29

I'd be disappointed that he stopped at only 12 or so. I can think of hundreds of reasons that we are all condemned to hell. The two most recent, for instance, are our collective fascination with Charlie Sheen (and how many of us guys secretly wish we were him) and how we, as a race, screwed Justin Bieber out of the Best New Artist Grammy. Yeah, Esmerelda Spalding may be talented, but she isn't the force of nature that The Bieb is. Tell your neighbor that Sloth is one of the Deadly Sins and he'd better get cracking to make all the signs really needed to illustrate our doom.

Oh wow, holy shit... The SECOND I read that comment I got a spam mail from a radio station in my area about the "Live Like Sheen Sweepstakes" where you can live like Charlie Sheen for a day in a strip club. I think you may be on to something about Charlie Sheen...

xGraycloud 4

hmm, I'd love to live in THAT neighborhood.

haha it's like Ned Flanders (except not lovable)

Sargasm 4

To retaliate, I'd put up a sign that says "RELIGION IS BULLSHIT" and "GOD DOESN'T EXIST". Freedom of speech, right folks?

eeMay 0

If you don't have a homeowner's assn, check your city ordinances to see if that's allowed.

lionh3art 0

I'd spray 666 with grass killer in the middle of their yard lol

They didn't do anything to the OP's yard. Why should he/she do anything to theirs?

kay729 7

are they jehovah's witnesses?

tangerine_12 0

Westboro Baptist Church? They're a bunch of crazzzzies!