The Golden One

By Anonymous - 09/08/2021 06:01

Today, I asked my parents if I could borrow one of their three cars for the second time this year. They said no, suggesting that maybe I should consider buying my own car. This would be fair, if it wasn't for my sister borrowing their cars several times a week, without any disapproval. FML
I agree, your life sucks 967
You deserved it 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you're not telling us how you totaled cars #4 and #5 the first time this year? I think there's more to this story, Cinderella.

The golden rule.....Life is not fair


Maybe you're not telling us how you totaled cars #4 and #5 the first time this year? I think there's more to this story, Cinderella.

The golden rule.....Life is not fair