The disrespect!

By squeezable - 19/06/2009 17:48 - United States

Today, a little girl standing next to me on the train suddenly hugged me. I thought maybe she was sad or I reminded her of someone, and hugged her back. Then she smiled, squeezed my love handles, and said, "Honk, honk!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 424
You deserved it 6 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doorhandle57 0

Hahaha what a cute little girl!

LMAOOO ahaha maybe she was wondering wat they felt like ?:S


Got another name for them? Belly fat doesn't sound all too appealing.

manoverboard 0

Gotta love those weird train kids.

My six-year-old brother and four-year-old sister would never, ever do that to a stranger. How do people raise their children?

Maybe that's what she always did to her older brother that you reminded her of. He died in a tragic car accident a year ago by the way, you callous jerk!

Aw, that's so cute! I think if a little kid did that to me I'd think it was more cute than offensive. So I don't think this qualifies as an FML moment.. My God, #26 ftw :D

Seti_fml 0

considering a female wrote that FML i think it would make her feel even worse to look like someone's brother.

silverwind_fml 0