
By Anonymous - 09/06/2018 13:00 - United States - Buffalo

Today, I asked a guy if I could finally meet his mom after we’ve been exclusive for almost a year now. He goes, "You’re special, but you’re not THAT special." FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 463
You deserved it 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91uk 22

My response; "Well, you ARE that single..."

tounces7 27

He said it jokingly, right? And then said it was fine afterwords? Because if he was even the slightest bit serious I hope you dumped his ass on the spot.


manb91uk 22

My response; "Well, you ARE that single..."

What? You’re dating him too! Have you met his mom?

manb91uk 22

Nope, that's why I dumped him. Nobody doesn't take me home to meet the mother and gets away with it! 😂

PenguinPal3017 19

Call me old fashioned, but back in my day we didn't meet parents until the wedding, and that's the way we liked it.

Emma Marshall 19

Isn't it nice that in this time and age people have a real relationship with their parents and like to share their life with them?

I guess sarcasm is a lost knowledge. idiots.

ThatGuy9679 13

doesn't seem like sarcasm and even if it was sarcasm translates poorly through text

ThatGuy9679 13

doesn't seem like sarcasm and even if it was sarcasm translates poorly through text

ThatGuy9679 13

doesn't seem like sarcasm and even if it was sarcasm translates poorly through text

No, there are just too many stupid people with weird views around, that after a while you have to assume that people really mean it when they say stupid over the top stuff.

Atleast he's being honest! You've got to give him that.

Count yourself lucky; boyfriend mothers are the worst

J_Kertz 14

I don’t know why people are downvoting this, because this is a widely known fact. Lol

tounces7 27

He said it jokingly, right? And then said it was fine afterwords? Because if he was even the slightest bit serious I hope you dumped his ass on the spot.

I keep thinking “Mother” is a skeleton in a dress in a rocking chair.

CookieMonsterNomNom 10

After a year? Sorry OP, but you really should break this off and look for someone who not only thinks you are special, but also would never say something like that to you. You know you’re worth more than that, right?

Being exclusive isn't the same as being a couple. Even after almost one year.

“Guess I’m not special enough to be your girlfriend” and dump his ass!!!!