Tense dinner

By Anonymous - 25/01/2024 00:00 - United States - San Diego

Today, I went to dinner with my husband's family to celebrate our nephew's birthday. He spent the entire dinner flirting with his sister, then got offended when I said that his behavior was weird. FML
I agree, your life sucks 539
You deserved it 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

was he actually making dirty flirty sexual comments to her? or are you being insecure jealous of his SISTER?


He was flirting with his…wait…did I read that right? Divorce his ass.

was he actually making dirty flirty sexual comments to her? or are you being insecure jealous of his SISTER?

This. I feel like some people see 'flirting' where 'having a lively conversation and joking around' fits.

Sometimes I have to question the perspective of the OP’s on this site. It’s possible that you felt left out and jealous of their bond as brother and sister. Of course he’d be offended if you mistaken their closeness for “flirting”. I could be wrong but it’s something to consider.