Alexa, play "Athlete Cured" by The Fall

By Anonymous - 25/01/2024 12:00 - Germany

Today, and every winter day, my neighbor lets his car warm up in the driveway, even though it’s harmful to the engine as it doesn’t lubricate properly while running in neutral. It’s also illegal in my country. He still does it for up to half an hour every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 356
You deserved it 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

where did you learn about cars? as long as the engine is running the oil pump is working. the colder the temperature, the thicker oil gets. you have to let the engine run to warm up the oil to properly lubricate the engine. leaving a car unattended while it's warming up is illegal in many places simply because of possible theft as least by me (unless you have remote start). my man is a master mechanic btw, so I'm not just talking out of my ass. ydi in a side note it is very important to have your oil changed in a timely manner. just saying...


where did you learn about cars? as long as the engine is running the oil pump is working. the colder the temperature, the thicker oil gets. you have to let the engine run to warm up the oil to properly lubricate the engine. leaving a car unattended while it's warming up is illegal in many places simply because of possible theft as least by me (unless you have remote start). my man is a master mechanic btw, so I'm not just talking out of my ass. ydi in a side note it is very important to have your oil changed in a timely manner. just saying...

It's illegal in many places because cLiMaTe ChAnGe will kill us all otherwise, dontcha know. OP is being a Karen.

my state law literally says it's illegal for UNATTENDED cars, only emergency and police cars my idle unattended. I'm not sure what the difference between those two has to do with climate change.

you have to let a car warm up. that's what gets the oil moving and thinned out. the pump is running. it's not your car it's not hurting you it's not your business

Wadlaen 23

Even though you clearly don't know anything about motors, why does it bother you that your neighbor lets his car warm up?

boilerdude 4

You clearly know absolutely 0 about cars. Go back under your little rock.

Yeah, if that were true, all the new cars with remote start would be dead. Cars can absolutely be left idle to warm up in the winter. I know next to nothing about cars but I know that much. And besides, it's your neighbor, doing it in his own driveway. So why do you care?