Swing low, sweet chariot

By I need a new ballsack. - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Macclesfield

Today, I'm at that age where sitting down carries a 50/50 chance of turning my balls into scrambled eggs, a fact confirmed yet again today. Third time this week. I think it's time to switch to briefs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 766
You deserved it 4 614

Top comments

Dreamsorrow93 24

Do your balls hang low do they waggle to your toes, can you tie them in a knot can you tie them in a bow? Do your balls hang low!!!


its time to save them... go for boxer briefs...

It's all about ball management. Boxer briefs still look good but make it much easier. Or you can swing em to the front as you sit down with a forward thrust. Timing is key though.

Is that age being a moron with no proprioception?

Like my mom always told me, "If you have to ask, you're too young to know."

skyeyez9 24

This fml made me imagine his balls hang so low, that they hit the toilet water when he sits down to take a dump.

I think it's time to learn how to sit properly with boxers like any grown man knows how to do... O.o