
By Anonymous - 02/07/2015 22:31 - United States

Today, while swimming in my neighborhood pool, I noticed what looked like several cigarettes resting at the bottom and decided to investigate. Turns out it was actually just a used, bloody tampon that had spent enough time underwater to be broken into multiple pieces, and spread across the pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 762
You deserved it 2 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ChloeRattlehead 22

Bloody hell that's gross. Let your neighborhood know!

Could have been worse - could have been a dirty diaper or something. But yeah, girls think they can swim while on their period if they wear tampons. News flash - it's a bad idea and they shouldn't do it. This is why. If the tampon fell out, I'm sure some blood escaped as well, but I guess enough time passed so that no one saw it.

Of course we can go swimming while on our periods. You just need to change tampon right before and make sure to insert it correctly, then it will be fine.

Ewwww and you were swimming with that??? SO sorry, OP that really sucks. I hope you took a long shower after that. I feel bad for whoever lost her tampon cuz I bet she's embarrassed as well. >.< Definitely FYL.

Did u at least try to return it the owner?

Possibly one of the rankest things I've read on here.

nitemastr15 17

that's why im glad I have a private pool in my back yard