
By chichi - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to Subway to grab some lunch. As I was paying, the cashier gave me a tip. He told me about a great acne medication that would do wonders. Thanks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 505
You deserved it 3 571

Top comments

Don't take it personally. I suggest you listen to him and try getting some medication for your skin. Acne is a horrible thing, and it does no one any good. Try something, really.


its not that bad when u get called names its when you got to worry alot

At 21: Well then where is your paper-bag?!? Remember they're only a few dollars at the store and if anyone needs to wear one, it's you.

allilovee 0

I'm sorry but I'd probably already know u had acne and he's just trying to be nice and help u. I would go buy whatever he recommended maybe he had really bad acne before and it worked for him..

not trying to support anyone but WTF is wrong with your lips 21

Dude, get a life and while you're at it, a paper bag too.

Take it as a hint to actually do some basic maintenance?

yessss_90 1

That happens to me all the time :/

Lifes_Great_LG 1

"He told me of a great medication that would do wonders." Just the way this is worded makes it sound like the start of a quest in Skyrim.