
By chichi - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to Subway to grab some lunch. As I was paying, the cashier gave me a tip. He told me about a great acne medication that would do wonders. Thanks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 505
You deserved it 3 571

Top comments

Don't take it personally. I suggest you listen to him and try getting some medication for your skin. Acne is a horrible thing, and it does no one any good. Try something, really.


that was nice of him. he wasn't taunting or making fun... i would appreciate a person like that...

yes, I would like to know the medication too. I suffer from bad acne and spots too. :-(

Sounds like he was trying to help to be honest… dont take it personal. This stranger wanted the best for you :)