
By maninpain - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Kenya

Today, after a root canal, I went to the pharmacy for some pain killers. The cute girl behind the counter asked what I needed. When I opened my mouth to tell her, a wave of drool hurtled out and splattered on the counter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 455
You deserved it 4 091

Top comments

plantfood 4

That happens to me,even with out a root canal.

Today, some guy came up to the counter where I work and accidently spit on my face now I am forced to clean up his drool from the counter. FML


perdix 29

I admire your moxie, fellow horndog, but sometimes you've got to think it through and rein it in. What if you impressed the "cute girl" and started making out with her? One deep tongue and, boom!, copious amounts of blood! That's a boner killer.

PunkSk8ter 0

I had to think to hard for this one...

TheCurlyTheory 0
tylersign 11

Haha he said horndog and I'm retarded

I'm sure she understood if you explained it to her:)

He's not going to explain why he drooled to an employee why he drooled on the counter she has work to do and it would piss her off more

He could simply say "sorry, I had a root canal done"...I dont think that would make her angry...

After having a root canal, that might come out like "sorry i need a boob an i'll cum"

That's attractive, haha kidding! That sucks OP I hope she understood what happened

There have to be some girls out there with some kind of weird drool fetish

And the best pick up line of 2011 goes tooooooo....

You could have made a joke out if it...

Yeah, just go "Braaaaaaiiiins' while staring at her with arms outstretched.

Lmao! I wish i was the person in line behind you so i could laugh! Haha but seriously dont sweat it. you'll probably never see her again and this will become a vague memory to her after a week.

And more vague the more painkillers you use too.

Calen5556 0

They have pharmacies in Kenya?