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By volleyballgirl12 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - France

Today, my grandma told me to fuck off when I tried to help her with the dishes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 534
You deserved it 6 541


Haha, I'd often help my grandparents when they were alive but there some tasks they would never accept help on. If I'd persist they'd yell at me in Italian (they were Sicilian), only when I was older did my parents tell me that they'd be saying things like "You ungrateful little ****" or stuff like that. Grandparents are great :)

giosthename 0

Your grandma is ******* awesome dude... Lol !!

musicxfreakx38 0

hot damn, grandmas got nerve! Hah I find that quite hilarious, sucks for you but if you were looking at it from my p.o.v you'd laugh too(:

iSwag 0

WTF? what crawled up her diaper?

LMFAO you should of given her a spanking

jchansfan 0

BRIGHTSIDE: YOU DIDN'T AHVE TO DO DISHES! YAY! :D I'd take that and call it a win, personally... lol :P

I'm sorry that's just funny hahahaha