Sneaky moggie

By wouldn'tyouliketoknow - 12/10/2019 02:00

Today, my neighbours were screaming for their "lost" cat again. I've already seen the cat multiple times. In my garden. Pissing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 545
You deserved it 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bullsonyourface 20

have you by chance bothered to let your neighbors know that their cat has been frequenting your backyard?

Throw some catnip into their garden, and hopefully it'll stay home.


bullsonyourface 20

have you by chance bothered to let your neighbors know that their cat has been frequenting your backyard?

Next time, I hope that you see said feline live-trapped in the trunk of your car on its way to the animal shelter. Better yet, the neighbors....

Well it sounds like you could solve both your problems by letting your neighbors know where their cat is.

Throw some catnip into their garden, and hopefully it'll stay home.